Last update: 17.5.2008

Costa Chica can be reached by bus, private car and by plane. You get there from elsewhere in Mexico with a 1st or 2nd class bus. Get off in the busy navel of the district, the city of Pochutla. From there take a taxi or a "colectivo" to the beaches. Both leave from the southern entrance of Pochutla mainstreet.

If you take a taxi to one of the villages it will cost between 10 and 60 pesos depending on day or night time and the number of passengers (maximum is six without driver - two in the front, four in the back). During the daytime between the coast and the city of Pochutla “colectivos” or “camionetas” go in circle. The maximum price is 12 pesos.

Daily flights to the destinations Huatulco, Pto. Escondido and Acapulco connect Costa Chica to the rest of the world.

A few years ago we would have recommended an enchanting train ride from D.F. (Distrito Federal = Mexico City) to Oaxaca to continue from there by bus. But trains were privatized by the Mexican government, which means that they are shut down for the next century.

Bus-Information (Reservation, Departure etc.):



Rent or reserve a car online (Airport Huatulco):

Budget (spanish and english): (958) 581-0036
Cars for less (english)


Airport Huatulco

Manager: (958) 581-9009; Fax 581-9018
Administration: (958) 581-9004 o 581-9005

Aero Mexicana, Reservations: (958) 587-0223, 587-0243 o 587-0260; Fax: 587-1615